

「せーの」 で、いろんな音楽をにぎやかに演奏します。





■「パトロンちゃん」は、個人、団体、企業法人、行政機関など、「岸田繁楽団」を応援 してくれるひとたちのことです。たまにおこなうクラウドファンディングはもちろん、楽団マドグチ、への受け付けで、常時ぼしゅうしております。クラウドファンディングのリターンは、「岸田繁楽団」の音楽をいつでもいつまでも楽しむことができるさまざまなモノゴトです。

■「岸田繁楽団」の楽団員は「そのときそのとき」の楽団員なので、ご縁でいろんなかた を「楽団員」としておむかえします。パッとやってイェーイ!、をめざす岸田繁楽団の楽団員にとって「楽譜」が共通言語になります。楽譜を読んでれんしゅうして、あつまっ て、せーのでドーン、と演奏します。 演奏会は、YouTubeの動画で配信しようと思ってい ますが、いろんなほうほうで皆さんに楽団のおんがくをおとどけしようと思います。

■「岸田繁楽団」は、ライブハウスやコンサートホールというよりは、「普段音楽を演奏 しない場所」で演奏したい楽団です。その理由はいまのところとくに明確ではありません が、何度かの演奏会をやりながら、たくさんのはっけんとともに、今後やることをきめて いきたいと思っています。 その街その土地のこと、その建物やその場所のこと、 そこにいる人々と音楽のこと、などが私たちのこだわりです。
危険な場所や、小さすぎる場所、でなければ、どんな場所でも演奏するのが岸田繁楽団の かっこいいところです。コロナウイルス感染症の蔓延で、合奏をおこなうには越えなけれ ばいけない壁が多いですが、知恵を絞り、音楽のエネルギーでその場所をみたします。

楽団長 岸田繁


1 Orchestra for anyone
2 Orchestra to play anywhere
3 Orchestra to play anything

We play a variety of music lively with original arrangements, with big orchestra gathered somewhere in your city. Feelings, power, and discoveries generated in those places will be video recorded and can be watched by anyone in the world. Kishida Shigeru Orchestra carry out activities in a relaxed manner.

We are now preparing to get started. We need players and some funds but raising funds is not everything. Que Sera, Sera. We would like to share the music, the power of ensembles, vibes of places with the people we’ve met. Thank you.


1 Patron
2 Band members
3 Places to play

■ “Patron” refers to the people who support the Orchestra such as individuals, groups, corporations, and government agencies. In addition to the occasional crowdfunding, we are always recruiting through on our website. The crowd funding returns are planned to include things that allow you to enjoy the music of Kishida Shigeru Orchestra anytime, anywhere. CDs, video links, and some souvenirs and special products.

■ The members of the Orchestra changes time to time, that please join us as the member of orchestra. Sheet music is the common language of the orchestra members, and we aim to play immediately. Read the music, practice, and get together and play.

We have violins, violas, cellos, cellos, double basses, various woodwinds, brass, percussion and keyboard, as well as ethnic instruments, rare handmade instruments and even electronic instruments.

We are looking for a wide range of vocal percussionists and opera singers to fit the nature and size of the concert. Wide range of players of all nationalities, ages and genders, especially students studying music and those who have graduated from music school and continue to perform.

Ideally, we are looking for players based in Kyoto for our upcoming performance. We look forward to see you knocking on the door of our orchestra.

■ This orchestra performs in places where music is not usually played. Not as concert hall nor clubs. The reason is not clear at the moment, but we feel that there are many things can be discovered through our performances. The city, the land, the buildings, the place, the people, and the music in it. The cool thing is that we play in anywhere, unless it's dangerous or else.

With the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome for us to ensemble, but we will use our wits and the energy of music and fill the place.

Orchestra master, Shigeru Kishida